Still not using Instagram for Business?

instagram social media

Benefits to Marketing your business on Instagram

Whether you’re selling a product or service, Instagram can help you get the word out about it. In addition to the standard Instagram posts, you can also use stories to promote your business. For example, you can make a short video and include a link to your website. This way, you can give your audience a better understanding of the product or service you’re selling.

Brands can use Instagram to promote their business and show off their team. It also serves as a great tool for B2B brands to promote their products and services. With its creative freedom, Instagram allows brands to be as creative as they like. But, before you begin posting content to Instagram, make sure you know your goals.

7 Instagram for small businesses best practices you need to do right now

  1. Set up your Instagram business profile the right way (not personal)
  2. Be relatable, not salesy with your content
  3. Engage with your followers with social interactions
  4. Grow your audience organically, don’t buy them with promotions
  5. Use hashtags to extend your reach within your popular topics
  6. Use Instagram Carousels to hit the same users again with similar content
  7. Post regularly and be a reliable source of content

Optimise your profile by using the following fields:

  • Profile photo: It’s best to use your company logo as your profile photo so people can easily identify your brand.
  • Name: Make this your business name, identical to your brand’s other social profiles.
  • Username: This should also be your business name. Note that your username cannot have any spaces.
  • Pronouns: This is included on every profile, but you’ll only want to use it if you’re the face of your business.
  • Website: This will be the only clickable URL on your Instagram page. Most businesses either use their website or link to their latest promotional page. You can also use a link in the bio tool to link to multiple pages.
  • Bio: Your Instagram bio is where you will capture the attention of other users. You can either describe what your business does, hype up your website or slap your brand’s slogan here (or all of the above, actually).
  • Page: Connect your Instagram business profile to your Facebook business page.
  • Category: Select the category that best describes your brand’s industry or product/service offerings.
  • Contact options: Link all of the best ways for customers to contact you, like email, phone or physical address.
  • Action buttons: Add a call-to-action button right onto your Instagram profile, like “Order food,” “Book now,” “Reserve,” or “Get quote.”
  • Instagram story highlights: Add story highlights to your profile and categorise them based on the types of stories your brand typically creates.

Talk to an Expert for Digital Marketing

It might be more beneficial for your business to employ a digital marketing agency to manage your instagram and other social media. Their experience in social media marketing as well as a wealth of expertise in all forms of digital marketing could prove invaluable to your business.